Monday 28 July 2014

Malma Kvarn to Fjardlang 24th July

It was time to leave Malma; we'd eaten the menu so we set off early in the morning. Leaving was not the easiest trick as the harbour was crowded. We pulled back on the stern tape mooring us to the buoy  released the hook but had a problem with the dinghy hitting another buoy but emerged from that to find it not very easy to turn so went out backwards for maybe 150 metres to open water where we could tidy up the warps, put away fenders, reel up the stern tape etc. Once out of the immediate inlet we were in open water going SW with a very gentle following breeze and hot sun. This was the first day we saw the algal blooms that are now covering much of the Baltic. Other sailors have recently reported sailing 30 miles through solid algal bloom. In our case it was maily long thin streaks of well defined yellow brown opaque algae with occasional large patches. It is dangerous to swallow the stuff so swimming becomes pretty impossible. We made our way slowly down to Fjardlanf anchoring at midday in position 59N02.99, 18E31.27. The entry is rather less easy than it appears on Google earth for there are a number of rocks in the "throat" half way down. What is worse the rocks are positioned differently on the Swedish charts whether chip or paper and in the Nautiska guide book chartlet. We relied on the latter and did not hit anything. As it was hot we swam and sheltered from the sun. Luckily the alage had not penetrated into the inlet. We were well provided with dry toilets with at least three within fairly easy reach. It was another lovely spot.

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