Sunday, 19 July 2015

8th to 15th July 2015 Stockholm

We stayed in Wasahamnen, Stockholm for more than a week, partly because of strongish winds but mainly because we like Stockholm, its museums, restaurants and so on. We revisited Waldermarsudde and enjoyed two of the artists having special exhibitions there and also visited Skansen open air museum, mainly to see the Nordic animals. Between us we saw an Eagle Owl ( yes they have one in Totnes I know), wolves, brown bears, a lynx, elk and wolverines. The zoo now has a good collection of young wolverines, very active and interesting, and obviously superb fur.
We made plans to leave early on 16th July but were foiled when my broad-band subscription ran out in the evening of the 15th and I could not work out how to enter the required code number to reactivate it. I also knew from previous experience that after 20 mins. trying I would get fairly permanently cut off.

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