Saturday, 11 July 2015

4th July 2015 Hogmarso to Norrtalje.

We needed to visit Norrtalje for medical reasons so set off early motor sailing with light SW breeze to Revnas but an opposing breeze in the Norrtalje funnel. I made for the Vard Centrale which had treated me for Erysepalos ( sic) three years ago as one of the antibiotics used had not only cured the disease it was treating but also seems to have more or less cured the skin problem on my legs that has troubled me for at least forty years.After the customary waits and struggles with the bureaucracy I was allowed to see a very competent nurse who gave the details of the drug used. This will be of considerable help to my skin specialist. It also confirms the view of my GP that many cases of skin problems in infants can be cured by antibiotics.The weather at this point was extremely hot so walking a couple of miles to the surgery was tiring. Kristin had a considerable problem getting routine blood tests here. The system has changed since last year and nobody at the Vard Cantrale she attended had any idea what to do. After shuttling between hospital A & E, blood test centre and Vard Centrale Kristin eventually got the required tests.but only after seeing a doctor. In all the process took more tan two hours of which five minutes were spent taking the blood. We found Norrtalje itself as pleasant as ever. The marina is no better protected from Easterly storms than before and there are insufficient toilets. It is run by ProMarina - of course.
We left after two days for Hogmarso.

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