Tuesday, 7 July 2015

30th June 2015 Mariehamn to Furusund

Tuesday 30th June
We decided to cross back to Sweden as we seemed to have a good weather window but delayed somewhat in order to get more fuel. However I dipped the tank and realised we had ample for the next few days so left the marina rather late at 0820 in a northerwesterly breeze that was expected to veer. We hoisted the main with one reef  and headed south out to sea. Near the Nyhom light we unfurled the jib and made course for the main entry into the Swedish archipelago at Tjaarvern Light. We could only just lay the course initially, partly because of a distinctly lumpy sea with intersecting swells from different directions. However the wind veered and increased, making life easier because of the wind freeing and more difficult as the boat became harder to control with the Autohelm being unable to keep the boat on track. We proceeded with reluctance on my part, gradually to reduce jib size by one reef and eventually by three, each time Badger steered more esily and the speed remained high usually at six knots. This is a lesson I am very reluctant to learn, feeling that the boat should be steered on her ear.
The wind was coolish but the sun was comfortingly warm. The lumpy seas made it difficult to move about with the result that I was unwilling to risk reefing the mainsail with the necessary out of cockpit activities.
We reached  archipelago entrance with great relief and relaxed as the swell disappeared. We continued sailing on much the same course as far as Furusund where we stopped for the night.
The Furusund Marina is now owned by Promarina who have improved the pontoons but not the showers and toilets which are inadequate for the numbers visiting. Under the previous management the marina had an excellent little cafe serving good lunches; now one can get ice-creams and possibly a hot dog. In addition the local supermarket is poor and the only restaurant is expensive and cooks badly. Nonetheless we enjoyed on-board cooking and a warm evening.

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