Sunday, 18 May 2014

Arrived Nykoping

From Oyten we had an easy run to Lubeck, even the Hamburg ring was innocuous although there was a little sting in the tail with 3 lanes going down to 2 where a sort of tent hanging from an overhead bridge on the closed lane. There were sounds of drilling - very mysterious. This happened twice.
Finding our hotel Alte Stadtmauer requires us to defeat the Tomtom and remember what we did a year ago. We made it with only one small loop round but had to park in the only possible spot - the middle of the road to unload kit and get the key to the carpark. By the time Ireturned a large lorry was just behind!
Once sorted, Kristin wnet to bed with her cold while I had a wander. We lunched in an upsteirs cafe by the Townhall - very romantic and with great ceilings. After that the pattern repeated and I renewed acquaintance. One novelty I enjoyed was seeing a man with bright yellow elbow crutches which were fitted with red reflectors - a good safety aid.
We followed Amanda's advice for a light supper by going to a somewhat scruffy Italian restaurant halfway up one of the city's defensive round towers. The decor seemed to be from a battered night club but the mixed antipasti and the pizzas were excellent as was the wine.
On the Saturday we moved out of Lubeck to Travemunde but found it very crowded, sunny and not very interesting so moved off the Timmendorfer Strand which was terrible for the car borne. We ended up at a bird zoo in a swamp which gave very pleasant entertainment. I had planned to Take Kristin to Buddenbrooks as a prebirthday treat but she wasnt fit enough for the struggle so we suppered fwirly simply and then had a very long wait till sailing time at 0030 on Sunday. I was ver relieved to find it was possible to get to a looo in Travemunde Scaninavienkai as otherwise the wait might have been painful. The port deals mainly with freight lorrise and we were packed in with them slowly so it was midnight before we got to bed.
We got off the boat a little before 10 am - it is interesting to see enormous lorries steering down very tight holes but also anxiety inducing.
The three hundred mile journey to Nykoping was tiring and boring but not difficult with both Kristin and Itaking hourly stints at the wheel.
We are at Stjarnholm Slott till Friday morning when the boat will be launched. The slott is a stately home run in part as a hotel or more a B&B with extensive grounds, a sculpture park etc. We have a room in the attic with a two metre high porclain stove in one corner.

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