We made a somewhat earlier than expected departure from Stockholm because of an interesting set of forecasts. Thursday and Friday were innocuous but Saturday would bring North winds of15 - 18 mtres per second. [ 1 metre/sec roughly equates to 2 kts. and 0.5 Beaufort ]. The weather has a tendency to arrive earlier than forecast hence our decision. The made it necessary to walk at once to SABIS, one of the best supermarkets we have ever been to.
One of its distinctive features is a cheese dept with a man who brings up his cheeses properly. Kristin bought an Epoisses ( ready tomorrow) and a Langres ( ripe) together with some hot smoked salmon a cake or two and some good bread. We also bought sliced bred because it survives longer but avoid eating it if possible.The cost was horrendous. I also spent time trying to get a months subscription to my "3" dongle card. The Phoneshop had one man only serving and a queue of 1. This did not move for several minutes. Phone shop discussions last indefinitely so I left. I should say SABIS have new trolleys which put the brakes on if you leave the shop. Kristin had to guard the trolley while I wandered off to Kjell, an electronics specialist. No luck so back to ~Kristin, who I found was having a suchi so I joined her. LAter I went back to Phoneshop and got served quickly. No they no longer supplied "3" subscriptions, try the betting and paper shop. I was beginning to lose hope but the betting shop came up a winner - appropriately. We had a taxi back to the boat ( two carrier bags, two backpacks, two boxes of wine and a pot plant - just too much to carry.
We said a rapid goodbye to the harbour crew and gave Leif the pot plant, watered up and left just before mid-day.
I~ must recall last year when we also bought an Epoisses at SABIS. There was no price indicated so the till lady had to phone describing the item in Swedish as an ep-oou-i-ses which we found rather charming
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