Sunday, 28 July 2013

To Nykoping

We’d noticed a British yacht in the distance so when we’d raised the anchor we motored over for a closer look. It was the Halliwells again whom we’d met in Stockholm earlier. We motored off after establishing they were bound for Nykoping. We went through Stendorren and raised sail to sail very pleasantly in bright sun through the usual rous to Nykoping arriving in a strong easterly breeze. This caused us some trouble turning into the berth and had to make two attempts. Louise Halliwell rushed about to help us not knowing where we wished to moor. We prefer the middle pontoon as its moorings are not too wide. Louise was nevertheless in time to take warps and her help was very welcome. They were on the way south to Germany to lay up while we were in Nykoping to buy food and to do some winterising work.

Kristin scrubbed the cockpit grid, treated it with oxalic acid and oiled it several times to give it a good colour. We noticed a lot of dirt getting aboard on our shoes and need to take action to prevent this as it erodes the oil from the teak and dirties it. In the meantime I did maintenance work on the engine and emailed Vectamarine as I'm unsatisfied with speed I can run the engine at (any faster than 2400 rpm the engine temperature frightens us). I also managed to buy EP 80 oil which I've been unable to do before and changed the windlass oil finding it clean and waterfree to my great relief. I don’t have to buy another windlass. We also went to the medical centre to get my shoulder treated and Kristin’s blood tested. Regrettably the Pud School is still on holiday and also our favourite Sushi Bar.

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